Saturday 18 June 2011

The all too familiar first post

It occurred to me this morning that I had a thought and would quite liked to have shared it in the all so self-serving and self-gratifying nature of this 'jacked in' fibre-optic worshipping 21st century. I am already on twitter and facebook (because... well I'm human and luddites are a dying breed, [I am actually now brewing a theory about facebook replacing passports]) but at the time it felt like I was having a big and long and probably rambly thought and felt like media designed for my more usual inane and more condensed brain dumps that can fit in under 140 characters might not suffice for my inspired analysis of the human condition as viewed through the context of the long-running 1hr American family drama.

I have had blogs before. Three of them to be precise. One of them is still semi functional and is the blog to which this one is abutted; the others I have killed. Well, one was MySpace and Facebook killed that, the other I killed, like so many houseplants, though a lack of nourishing. However, I had a plan. If I have two conjoined and semi-functional blogs through which I can offer my thoughts with slightly different tones, perhaps that would count almost as having one regular, though seemingly bipolar, blog. This is the first post of the hitherto ignored conjoined twin of the grotesque over-intellectualised chimerical partnership. Like so many first posts before it: crawling from the ethereal primordial ooze of the internet; coughing and spluttering it's self-centered exegesis; and attempting to justify it's own existence like some cerebral ouroboros.

It got slightly surreal at the end there. Part of me hopes it continues. Other parts of me realise that those parts are getting ahead of themselves - There need to be more posts burped into existence before any theme can continue through them. But a bit of playing with set up and going to house warming parties and hopefully I can be back with you to explain how the series finale of 'Brother & Sisters' perfectly encapsulated the true theme of the show and taught how to be fully functional human beings. And you thought it was all about the quintessential Californian family, drinking wine and discovering that Daddy liked to play away. Don't worry I also thought that until I got a bit existential over my morning coffee and the Sky+ recording.

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